One of the happiest days in parenting is when kids begin to utter their first words. And in a few months, they’ll start stringing words together to form phrases and sentences until they can communicate what they want.
The fun part is trying to piece together their adorable gibberish.

Teachers and child development experts encourage activities like reading together, singing, and conversing frequently. These encourage speech and are instrumental in developing a child’s communication skills.

This particular family must do all of the above and more – they teach their little ones easy-to-memorize prayers, too!
What a great way to introduce the concept of prayer and how essential it is in daily life.

Families who believe it is crucial to teach their kids to pray typically start by introducing prayers before bedtime, upon waking in the morning, and before each meal. An article on Veritas Academy reads,
“It may begin with you simply praying for your kids as they lie there quietly or them reciting a bedtime prayer. If you want to go deeper, you can begin asking them questions to help them learn to pray for others, to repent and grow in their own walk, or to ask for help.”

It’s a beautiful thought, knowing kids practice empathy and compassion through face-to-face interactions and prayer.
These little girls will undoubtedly be as thoughtful and selfless in praying for the needs of others; they’re evidently on the right track and can recite the Lord’s Prayer in their own confidently adorable way. In the video description, their dad writes,
“Wait till they do it together. One of my favorite clips of our twins trying to do the Lord’s Prayer. When they do it together, in the beginning, Nicole can’t keep up, and then at the end, you have to watch it 2x to watch Nicole blabbering away and then to watch Natalia trying to get a word in but never can. Makes me smile every time!”

You can tell from his voice that the dad is bursting with pride at his twins’ progress.
The giggles and confidence are signs that these girls are supported and encouraged through and through.

The angelic faces and charming smiles make the video even more endearing, plus those voices you can listen to the whole day. These twins will surely put a smile on your face. It’s a short video, but it’s a clip you won’t watch just once.

Parents who are presently introducing prayer to their children will appreciate this tip from Veritas Academy.
“When you’re talking with your kids about your days, and someone shares something that is frustrating them or making them sad, instead of just talking it out, pray it out with them! If something delightful happens, include God in your celebration by thanking Him together with joy!”

If you’re about to teach a child about prayer, show them this delightful clip of the twins! Kudos to the parents of these little ones for setting an excellent example.
Be sure to click on the video below to see these adorable sisters in action!
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