It’s always an incredible feeling when you connect with an animal. Whether it’s a dog, cat, or even a horse, it’s so beautiful when you feel the animal trusting you.
And you know the animal will have your back just as much as you have theirs.

Human-animal relationships go back a really long time! Whether it’s riding horses or training sheepdogs, humans and animals have lived with one another for a very long time. At the core of any good relationship are trust and understanding.
Despite what some people believe, most animals that humans interact with have the capacity for emotion and intelligence!
This little girl is a cute example of that relationship.

Helena and Frimann are friends that regularly work together.
The only thing is that Frimann is a horse and Helena is a little girl! In a hilarious video captured not long ago, we can see the connection between the two and the emotional intelligence that an animal can have.
Training to jump horses is no joke!

Known as “show jumping,” the sport is very popular and requires expert communication and practice between horse and rider. One misplaced lean on the rider or unexpected jump on the horse could throw the entire thing off!
Helena has been training to be a showjumper for some time. Little kids often start training for the sport, and the results are incredibly cute.
Helena has been training, and it’s during her training that we get to witness a funny moment that confirms horses and their understanding of human emotion.
In the video, we see little Helena sitting atop her pony, Frimann.

The two are about to complete a circuit and do a few jumps and take off for their first lap.
Helena clicks her heels and is off! The cute scene unfolds as we see the little pony trotting towards the first bar to jump. Clearing the first bar, you can see that Helena is nearly unseated!

The funny scene starts as we see that Helena is barely holding on! she is way too far forward on Frimann and looks like she is a bit unstable.
Finally, she is able to right herself as Frimann rounds the outside of the fence and heads back towards the next jump. As long as Helena can hang on this time around, she should be ok!

On the second jump, Frimann clips the bars with his back hooves!
The sudden change in momentum causes Helena to slip right off and fall forward! With her hands out, she tips forward and lands headfirst into the dirt.
Thankfully, she was wearing a helmet, and the fall wasn’t from more than a few feet up.
Soon, Helena realizes she is stuck!

Poor Helena was completely upside down — thankfully, she was wearing a helmet. Gentle Frimann realized what was wrong, and he gave her a nudge to help her right herself.
It’s so incredible to see how Frimann and Helena interact. What an adorable pair.
Check out the cute video below!
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