Family Fun
Toddler has adorable reaction seeing dad without his beard for 1st time
What a precious angel she is - surely mom and dad will never forget this.
Eduardo Gaskell

โ€œI wuv you, daddy.โ€

This adorable little girl is daddyโ€™s precious princess and it clearly shows in the video. But like any father, he found a way to tease his daughter just by changing his appearance.

He shaved his beard and that was more than enough to confuse the little girl. Poor thing!

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

Little Avery looks like a doll, with an angelic face thatโ€™s obviously going to melt a thousand hearts someday but not until daddy says so. For now, she only stays in her fatherโ€™s arms.

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

The family is out on a very lovely day, enjoying their time together and as she climbs the steps, dad walks up behind her with a freshly shaved face revealing his youthful looks.

Dadโ€™s got sunglasses on too!

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

โ€œWhoโ€™s that behind you?โ€ Mom asks from behind the camera.

Little Avery turns around to see a strange man squatting down to her level with a big gaping smile on his face. Her face is one of startled confusion, an expression of someone trying to remember a name.

Itโ€™s weird when adults do it, but super cute when kids do.

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

Who are you? Who is that?

Mom asks her husband to remove his glasses and he obliges as he says โ€œHi!โ€ to his daughter.

Avery responds by running over to mom and hiding behind her. And yet this sweet little girl kept her smile the entire time!

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

Naturally, dads in the comments section began to share their stories.


โ€œMy daughter was about this age when I decided to shave my head. I made sure she was there witnessing the shave job so it wouldnโ€™t freak her out later. She kept circling me telling me โ€˜thatโ€™s enough, thatโ€™s enough.'โ€ says one.

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

Another shared,

โ€œMy twin daughters were a little bit older than this (3-1/2 years old) when I shaved my beard. They came running around the corner to greet me at the door but stopped short of me and lost their smiles. When they heard my voice they cautiously approached and couldnโ€™t stop touching my face. I told them I shaved my beard and now I have no hair on my face. One of them told me that she shaved her beard too because she doesnโ€™t have any hair on her face either!โ€

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

Girl dads are awesome!

Her mom and another guy had to tell Avery that the man in front of her is none other than her dad. But looking at her confused face, it doesnโ€™t seem like sheโ€™s convinced.

Luckily, things all worked out in the endโ€ฆ

YouTube - cgriesemer
YouTube - cgriesemer

Avery naturally began to warm up to her beardless dad. Probably because they rode in the same car on the way home and went inside the same house so she pieced it all together.

Itโ€™s an adorable prank between father and daughter. Moments theyโ€™ll cherish forever. At least until the father-daughter dance.

See Averyโ€™s super cute reaction in the video below, which has been watched over 5.7M times!

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