Toddlers are absolutely adorable, but at the same time, it can also be a challenge to raise them.
They’re just learning to speak and exercising their newfound independence, which can sometimes be tricky for parents to navigate.

Of course, all these are part of their development. Toddlers do not know how to intentionally push your buttons or defy the limits you set.
They’re simply trying to take everything in and their little bodies and growing minds can’t process things the way we can, hence the sudden outbursts, tantrums, and mood swings.
That’s why child development experts cannot stress enough the importance of gentle yet firm parenting, and incorporating empathy while you process and respond to these behaviors. But one thing is for sure: toddlerhood has to be the sweetest stage there is.

Just look at Lilyana.
This toddler from Jacksonville, Florida, hasn’t quite learned how to verbally express herself yet so she does the explaining in a way she knows best: babbling adorably and trying to look as convincing as ever.
See, her mom just knew that Lilyana tried to do something with their pet dog’s food.
Playfully, she began asking her daughter if she did indeed touch the dog food. You’ll be delightfully surprised at the then-one-year-old’s response. Lots and lots of explaining and babbling, with a facial expression you will find impossible to resist.
Add to that volume. Toddlers have absolutely no idea how loud they can be. (Which just amped up Lilyana’s cuteness factor even more!) Any guesses on what exactly Lilyana is trying to say?
We’re positive she’s denying that she touched the dog food but we’re extra curious about her alibi. Really, somebody make subtitles for toddlers already!

Laughing, Lilyana’s mom continues with the interrogation, even bringing the little girl’s dad into the conversation.
He gamely joins in and starts asking their daughter about the dog food. He, too, got the same response. How assertive and convincing Lilyana looks!
That will definitely come in handy someday when she has a point to prove, or a case to win should law be in her future.

If you have a toddler of your own, you’ve probably experienced something similar.
Lilyana’s short video is a wonderful reminder that toddlers are just being their true selves, and that certain behaviors are simply part of their development.
The key is finding ways to connect so that setting age-appropriate limits and encouraging good behavior isn’t as maddening. (Oh, we’ve all been there. On the verge of losing our cool, feeling frustrated that nothing seems to work…)

This adorable little girl has so much to say, and we’d let her defend us at court anytime. It’s clear that she’s in it to win it. How sweet.
Check out the video of the little girl arguing below!
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