TikTok is the one place on the internet where anyone, anyone, can share short clips of themselves showing the world their talents.
You’ll never run out of entertaining videos on the popular platform. The best part is that users come from all corners of the globe.

So this baby decided to show the world via TikTok her dance moves.
Now it’s not at all uncommon for two to three year old kids to explore dancing. They’re still exploring the world through their five senses, and music just has that effect on them.
Funny little humans. Tiny humans.

It’s anyone’s guess as to how old this child is but she’s definitely got her groove on.
A child’s legs are one of the best telltale signs in terms of seeing how the little one is developing and growing. One a child can stand, walk and bend their knees, it’s all forward from there.
Moms and dads better have those energy drinks ready.

Parents had this to say about dancing,
“Moving to the beat means your child has discovered a fun way to challenge his body and is learning to integrate a variety of movements into sequences, notes Dr. Prosser. Typically, a toddler will start dancing between 15 and 20 months.”

“Encourage your child by playing a variety of music in your home and returning to the tunes he likes best. You can also introduce toddler-friendly instruments like an egg shaker, a maraca, or a tambourine, which will help him boogie to the beat. Note: Kids this age like to imitate what they see, so don’t be afraid to do some dancing yourself.”
You read that right, dear moms and dads. Get dancing!

By the looks of it, someone is encouraging this child to dance. Look at the way she looks up and left at someone, the biggest smile on that adorable face.
And what’s impressive is that she’s got rhythm!

The song is “Roll it, Roll it” by Gentry Jones and Mr. Sam. It’s become on of those “challenges” on TikTok where users record themselves or a loved one dancing to the catchy tune.
It’s hard to say that this kid’s done a bit of practice, or that she’s following someone from behind the camera, because anyone who’s cared for a toddler knows how difficult that is.

But hey this little one could be super talented.
Toddlers like to express themselves through music. Adults do too, but it usually takers a lot of stress and a lot of time in a bar before most of them start dancing.
With that said, check out all the dancers you can find on TikTok.

Question is… Can you dance better than this child?
She really is too cute. Pretty strong for her age too!
There are countless “Roll it Roll it” videos on TikTok, so make sure to check them out, but don’t forget about this little one!
Check out this dancing toddler’s moves below!
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