Any mom knows that taking little ones to the store can be a real hassle. You can expect tantrums, crying, thrown items, and, if you are especially lucky, a completely soiled outfit.
Knowing how hard it can be, some mothers do everything they can to not have to bring their kids into the store (hello, Instacart). Still, it isn’t always possible to online order and a mom must make the trip into the abyss. For one mom, a trip to Target was made a little easier than it usually is.

Moms have a book of tricks that they use to keep kids occupied during store runs.

These tricks can include everything from watching shows on a phone to going at the end of a long day to ensure your kid is fast asleep the entire time. Even with all those tricks, perfect runs are rare. For Stefanie, a mom with a 2-year-old in tow that was the reality one day.

Stefanie and her two-year-old, Evallyn, were walking the aisles of Target when Evallyn was getting a little… rowdy.

Thinking that she had the perfect solution, Stefanie gave her daughter a miniature grocery cart to drive through the store. As it turns out, that was a mistake.
“I immediately regretted that decision. I spent the trip trying to keep my daughter walking in a straight line pushing her cart while also steering my cart and shopping, doubling back to get her tiny shopping cart when she would get distracted and leave it in the middle of an aisle, and the usual telling her she couldn’t have everything she saw,” Stefanie said to NBC4.

Finally, they made it to the checkout line before Evalynn exploded and Stefanie imploded.

What was different about today, however, was that Stefanie was about to get some truly first-class treatment! An employee opened another line for the duo and let them through. As they were waiting, something totally adorable happened.
“The employee asked if she was a ballerina and could show her how to dance. My daughter said yes, and said, ‘do it like this,’ then they both started twirling and dancing together. There wasn’t even any music playing but they were having a blast,” she shared with NBC4.
While Stefanie was checking out, the employee started dancing with the little girl to keep her busy!

Instead of just watching as the little girl bordered on melting down, Target employee AJ took over. Dancing and twirling, AJ and Evallyn had a blast as Stefanie checked out. While the cashier checked groceries, Stefanie was able to capture the scene.
Soon, the video went viral and people all over complimented the gracious employee, AJ.

“It is hard to explain how much it means when you are just out of patience and someone steps in and does something to ease the tension, even if just to give a 5 minute break. I shared the video because I figured a lot of parents could relate and wanted this employee to know she’s appreciated.
It seems like moms all over the country resonated with an employee who understood what it was like for a mom with a grumpy child. For a busy mom, someone taking a little time to help wasn’t much, but it meant the world.
Check out the video below to see the cute little “dance party” for yourself!
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