When Tatyana Ramjohn’s water broke at 19 weeks of gestation, she was rushed to an emergency room, and soon a doctor came by to hand Taty and her husband, Timothy, a list of clinics where she could have an abortion.

The Ramjohns knew that they would never choose to abort their baby, although they were explained the risks such an early labor would involve, both for the mother and the baby.
At 19 weeks, babies have 0% survival rate, while the mother would risk getting an infection if she kept carrying the baby.
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Even if the baby was born a little later and managed to survive, he would probably have several disabilities.
Still, the couple decided to continue the pregnancy, and Taty stayed in the hospital for the remaining of her pregnancy on bed rest.
“Despite all the risks and advice, Taty decided to trust God and remain pregnant on bedrest without any fluid in the womb. All we had was faith,” Timothy said.
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Two months later, baby Easton was born via c-section on April 25, 2019. It was not a coincidence, his parents agree, that the same doctor who gave them the list of abortion clinics in February of the same year, was the one who eventually delivered their baby.
“As soon as the doctor took Easton out and heard him crying, (I’ll never forget this moment)he held Easton up in the air, smiled and looked at me in awe and said “Look daddy, look at your miracle boy!” Timothy wrote in a Facebook post at the time.
Baby Easton spent the first four months of his life in the NICU, but he was a brave fighter and he eventually went home in late summer 2019.
“This journey is far from over, but we’re glad to be home and grateful to have so many of you walking with us along the way. Thank you Jesus for this miracle and thank you Taty for your sacrifice,” the proud dad wrote.
The boy had to overcome obstacles like eating through a feeding tube and having to wear a helmet, but as time went by he got stronger and stronger, until he was a happy toddler just like any other boy his age.
The sweet miracle, the brave preemie is now a toddler who enjoys life with his parents and his little brother, who was born in May 2021.
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Easton was a blessing for his parents, who had suffered a miscarriage before he was born, and what they went through made them stronger and brought them even closer together.
Their “miracle boy” was meant to be born and thanks to their faith they never considered aborting him, which would have been a pity judging by how things turned out in the end.
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The Ramjohns’ story involves a lot of tears, this is true, but it also involves a lot of happiness. It is amazing how this family chose to take the hard route, but life compensated them for all the risks they took for their baby.
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Watch Taty hold Easton for the first time, 10 days after he was born, in the video below.
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