For some kids, having extra time off school has been wonderful. Free to play all day, they’re supported by a loving family, knowing that they’ll have food on the table every mealtime and devoted parents to tuck them into bed at night.
But it’s not like this for all kids. Some children are much better off at school because at home they face neglect like none of us could even imagine.
One woman shared a story of something distressing her friend had seen while at the supermarket. She took a photo, which shows a young girl with matted hair and dirty clothes, wearing a vest and pajama bottoms.

In her story, Sophia San Filippo spoke directly to the people who were complaining that schools were opening too soon. She used the child as an example to highlight the importance of sending neglected children back into a place of care.
Sophia pointed out that school isn’t only a place of education, it’s also a “safe haven for at least 6 hours.” She added:
“Teachers also note this stuff and report things like this to the proper authorities, to make sure kids are actually safe.

“There are so many kids, like this one, who are falling through the cracks and wishing school was in session, just to get that meal or even have some social interaction with a friend.”
According to the National Children’s Alliance, an estimated 678,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2018, which is the most recent year that we currently have statistics for. While sending a child to school won’t stop this abuse, Sophia is right in that it will give a child a much-needed daily escape from home.

There are also, as Sophia points out, provisions in place that allow schools to step in if they think a child is being mistreated by their parents in any way.
School nurses can examine children for signs of maltreatment, and schools can even contact authorities and propose that a child is taken away from their parents in worst case scenarios.

Without school, these children who are most at risk may not be seen or heard by anybody. This can have incredibly negative repercussions for a child.
Sophia ended her story with a plea to those who are unhappy with schools reopening, saying:
“Please stop complaining… Think of those kids who are in a situation where they wish they could get that little escape for a day.”

Sophia shared the story in a post to Facebook, which now has just short of 100,000 reactions and 155,000 shares. People took to the comments to express their horror and disgust that the child’s parents would leave her in a state of such obvious neglect. One person wrote:
“Oh God, this tears my heart out of my chest. That precious little girl….💔 I want to love her up and take care of her.”

Somebody else highlighted one of the biggest issues with lockdown, writing:
“And….adults don’t just stop working, so this leaves children home all alone or tending to other children. What are we doing to our children??? I’m praying for this child, I don’t know her but God does.”

We can only hope that this photo has reached the people who know this child and are able to help her. Though we’re all entitled to our own opinions about schools reopening, it’s worth considering the neglected children like this little girl before forming a point of view.
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