Parenting is often a series of small battles, whether it’s coaxing a toddler to eat their vegetables or persuading a teenager to clean their room.
But what if your children willingly performed tasks without any fuss?
Sounds like a dream, right?
Well, for one set of parents, this dream became a reality when their twin toddlers began putting themselves to bed without any resistance.

Most children resist bedtime, preferring to continue their playtime instead.
However, for one-and-a-half-year-old twins Zac and Chris, bedtime was a joy.
Their mother, Kristine, discovered that all she had to do was say, “go to bed,” and they would happily oblige.
While it may be irregular for kids their age to do this, they run off to bed and begin going to sleep.

One evening, Kristine decided to record their bedtime routine to share with distant family members.
Little did she know that this simple video would go viral, capturing the hearts of viewers worldwide.

In the video, Zac and Chris, dressed in their pajamas and clutching their sippy cups, are seen in the hallway.
Upon hearing their mom’s command to go to bed, they immediately sprint towards their room.

The twins then toss their cups into their cribs and start climbing in.
Kristine, in the video’s description, reveals that this was not a trained behavior.
She explains, “One day I told the Zac & Chris, identical twin brothers, to go to bed and they did it!
They just ran to bed and hopped in! I was shocked, and now they do it on a regular basis.”

The twins’ love for climbing and their enjoyment in catapulting themselves into their cribs is evident.
But the question remains, would they stay there?
Zac even attempts to zip up his own tent! After a minute of settling down, they eventually say “night-night.”

Kristine also addresses some questions viewers might have about the video.
She explains, “The crib tents are to keep the babies safe if they wake up while we are sleeping, because they tend to silently climb out and try to play in places that could be dangerous for them, and they help to keep bugs out of the cribs, just in case.”

Parenting can be a challenging journey, but there are moments that make it all worthwhile.
For Kristine and her husband, bedtime is one such moment.
It’s a task they can check off their list without any stress or fuss.
There appears to be no struggle or challenges at night time with their kids.

This heartwarming story of the twin toddlers who put themselves to bed is a testament to the unexpected joys of parenting.
It’s a delightful spectacle that you need to see to believe.
Watch the video and witness the adorable bedtime routine of Zac and Chris for yourself!
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