There’s very little that can console a parent that’s lost a child other than getting their child back.
That’s why Cindy Mathis found great comfort when she found letters from her 16-year-old daughter a month after Macy passed away.
It was like having a piece of her daughter with her. Macy had given her 25 notes on her birthday the previous year and her mother almost forget about them.

Macy passed away five days after she was in a car wreck while driving with her boyfriend Adam Sattler, who was also killed in the crash.
The letters had a special meaning now, especially one in particular.
One that reads: “Open when… you miss me. I’m sorry that you’re missing me. I hope that wherever you are or whatever you’re doing you’re okay. I’m probably missing you too.”

Each of the letters instructed Mathis to open them when she felt a certain emotion such as “When You Need To Smile,” or “When You Need To Know How Much I Love You,” or “When You Can’t Sleep.”
“They’re so on point, and there are occasions where she knew me way too well,” Mathis told CBS News. “My daughter knew me. Most of them are definitely definitely uplifting.”

Mathis rediscovered the letters when she was cleaning out the trunk of her car.
That one was titled: “When you can’t sleep.”
“I want you to know that I love you. I feel like I don’t tell you that enough. And since you can’t sleep and you’re probably stressed about something, I need you to know that I love you,” Macy wrote.

Mathis broke down in tears when she read the letter.
“That’s when I had remembered she had written these letters for me,” Mathis said. “I tore my room apart looking for all of them.”

She found all of the letters her daughter left her, except for one.
But Mathis says she will only read them when she needs to.
“It’s the best gift that a child can give any parent,” she said.

Mathis says that the letters have helped her greatly with her grieving process.
“I did feel lonely when she left me,” Mathis told TODAY. “We’d talk about her moving to New York with Adam or living the good life, moving away and leaving, but not like this. I feel like she knew. Maybe deep down, she knew, or maybe God told her.”

She says that it’s helped her find closure.
“I’m very thankful for them, because I don’t have closure,” she said. “They give me a little bit of closure to know how much she knew I loved her. They keep her alive.”

Mathis started a Facebook page where she share’s Macy’s letters in hopes that other parents who lost children will find comfort in them.
“Each [letter] has helped me in so many ways,” Mathis said. “It’s like she knew, but she didn’t know… It’s an amazing feeling. It feels like she’s there with me.”
You can find the page Macy’s Journey here.
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