When we first see the stage, it’s clear who is getting ready to perform, but there’s a lot going on other than the adorable 5-year -olds about to start.
There are teachers and instructors placing the dancers.

Other dancers are running back and forth across the stage.
There’s background noise and an entire audience talking, and more, all distracting from what’s about to happen.

I mean it is a bunch of kids about to perform so naturally, there’s a bit of chaos before the proverbial calm.
Pretty soon the runners across the stage thin out, and the song ‘Almost There’ from The Princess and the Frog starts to play.

The song is quite fitting for the young girls.
Coming from the movie The Princess and the Frog, a Disney movie they all probably know quite well.
It’s a nice coming of age tune that’s simple and easy to dance to.

Every little girl wants to be a princess.
From dad’s eyes to the shows they watch to the mom’s dressing them up, little girls want nothing more than to be the prettiest, most dazzling dame in town.
Not to mention, every one of them looks like a princess on that stage, in their teal sequins.

Though it took a minute, and a lot of help to set up- all 10 of the girls know their cue to start dancing.
The little ladies on the stage begin their tap routine strong, with a twirl and immediately capture everyone’s hearts.

The mom and dad filming the whole show are eager to see their little girl at her first dance recital, along with most parents in the crowd.
You are able to hear them occasionally talking about their daughters skills, and how proud they are in the sound of their voice.
I suspect that’s also their way of hyping themselves up just in case their little daughter causes an unwanted scene.
You know… kids.

So there’s either a special present waiting for their little girl or a correcting in the car.
Best of luck to the girls in teal!

For what looks like a home video made for the family, it has gained a lot of attention on YouTube.
The video has racked up over two million views and comments from all over the world. The girls have 5.6k likes too!
Now there are the sulkier ones who’ve “unliked” the video but really, how could you not like this?
Some people are just impossible.

There’s also nothing but positive comments on the video, a hard thing to come by on YouTube. “That is the cutest thing” said one user. Another talked about how great they are for their age.
“All these children are truly the best, happily doing their best, God bless them!!!!”

This amusing clip has brought lots of smiles and laughter.
A more recent comment said,
“I must say this is a group of young tappers that are doing a really good job. Considering their age, they did great.
Now if only we can teach the stage people to not make such a big deal and from running back and forth.
The one with the shorter pants looks mad. Lol Not good when dealing with young children.
Now that it’s been 10 years, I wonder how many are still doing tap? It’s a lost art for adult dancers. I love watching them.”

There was a bit of talk on whether this was a rehearsal or an actual show.
Looks like the real deal to me.
Regardless, those little ladies had so much fun and I’m sure their moms and dads did too.
The teachers and organizers? Well let’s just say they had their hands full keeping up.

These young girls are having a great time on stage, doing an amazing job for one of their first shows.
Looking toward the future, I’m sure there is going to be some professionals in this group.
If nothing else, they made for a very fun memory for their parents and grandparents!
Watch their hilariously adorable performance below!
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