Most parents can agree that while raising a newborn is a lovely experience, parenthood feels a lot more rewarding when your baby starts to learn who you are.
Over the first three months of a baby’s life, they’ll start to recognize the faces of those who look after them.

To a baby, factors like hair color, glasses and facial features such as a mustache or beard help to make one person distinguishable from the next.
When one of these features changes – perhaps a dad removes his glasses or a mom dyes her hair – it can completely throw off a baby’s perception of a person they thought they knew. By drastically changing your appearance, you may unintentionally become a stranger to your little one.

We’ve all seen the videos of dads shaving their beards and approaching their babies for a reaction.
To most babies, it’s a complete brain bash – someone who looks a bit like dad has paid a visit, and he talks exactly like dad… but something isn’t right.
It’s a bit like dad has a secret identical twin that he’s only just revealed.
Most babies don’t like it.

But after a bit of confused crying, something usually clicks in their brains. Perhaps dad gives them a cuddle or sings their favorite song, and they think, “Oh, yeah, that is the guy I know.”
Maybe you consider it quite a mean trick, but there is something kind of cute about the baby’s confusion with their dad’s clean-shaven chin.
One video that recently melted the hearts of the internet features two identical twins and their beardless dad.

In the video, which was shot in Ohio, the adorable twins are sat together on the couch, while dad sits facing them, rocking a bald head and recently-shaved face.
For a while, the little girls, whose names are Lydia and Hadley, simply stare at their dad with a confused expression on their faces. If they could talk, they’d probably be saying something like: “Who dat?”

When dad Johnathan says “hi”, the babies just look even more confused. He asks what they’re doing, but nobody feels like responding.
And then the inevitable happens: Lydia starts to cry.

There’s something about a baby crying that brings out the maternal side in all of us. But given the situation, Johnathan can’t help exchanging a grin with the person behind the camera – his wife, Allyson.
He’s certainly succeeded in becoming a stranger to his twins – and no wonder! We all know the difference a beard can make to a person’s appearance.
As if things couldn’t get any more amusingly adorable, dad holds out his hands to his crying daughter, saying, “Come here”. While Lydia cries harder, her twin holds out an arm.

It totally looks like Hadley’s trying to protect her sister from the stranger in the living room.
By this point, it’s too much for both twins, and their identical cries fill the room.

But when dad chuckles, Lydia – the twin who started all the crying business in the first place – switches from sad to amused in half a second.

Looks like she figured out dad’s true identity just in time!
It’s unclear how long it took for Lydia and Hadley to forgive their daddy for shaving off his beard. Some say they’re still holding a grudge now, several weeks later.
If you have a soft spot for beardless dad reveals, you have to watch this video below – and don’t forget to share it with your friends!
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