On April 30, 1994, a baby girl was abandoned in a phone box in Newham, East London.

The baby’s mother had been in an abusive relationship for years, and her partner was literally stalking her, not letting her go anywhere alone, and she was scared of him.
The baby in question was actually the woman’s seventh child, and she was determined to protect her from growing up in an abusive environment.

The woman who had been in labor all through April 30, waited until her partner fell asleep, and she gave birth to the baby girl in the bathroom before taking her out of the house.
The mother of seven at the time covered the newborn baby in warm clothes and blankets and took her to the nearest phone box before calling the Samaritans to come pick the baby up as soon as possible.

But, before the Samaritans arrived, a man got to the phone box to make a call.
‘When I was born she wrapped me up and made me really really warm and she ran with me and left me in the phone box. It was then that a man came to make a telephone call to his home country and saw me there,” the woman told The Metro.

The man, 30 at the time, who is of Nigerian origin, went to the phone box to call his family in Nigeria, when he saw what at first he thought was a bag of chips.
When he realized it was a baby wrapped in blankets, he called the authorities and waited with her until the police arrived.

The man felt a special connection to the 2-hour-old baby and he expressed the interest in adopting her, but he was not eligible at the time because he was not married.
Eventually, the baby girl was adopted by a Pakistani couple, who named her Kiran.
In 2016, 22 years later, the woman decided to look for a man named Joe or John Campbell, who was the first person to find and protect her when she was an abandoned baby.

The man had wished to keep close to the baby by sending letters, birthday cards, and presents, but the social services advised him to cut ties, which he respected.
So, when Joe Campbell saw Kiran’s story in The Metro, he knew it was him she was searching for.
Campbell, who in 2016 was 52 and married with five children of his own, was more than happy to meet the woman he had first met when she was a helpless baby.

Through the years, he had never forgotten her, and he would often talk to his children about their “adopted sister”.
When the two of them met, it was obvious that they were both excited to see each other after such a long time.
‘She has a family waiting for her now, my children will love to meet her. I’m so grateful we have been brought together,’ Campbell said.

What a heartwarming reunion! We’re hoping that Kiran kept in touch with Campbell and his family, starting a whole new chapter in their lives.
Watch Kiran’s story in the video below!
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