Every parent wants the best for their children. From the moment they are born, moms and dads are there to support their children, care for them and protect them.

And, certainly, they are proud of each and every achievement, no matter how big or small that is.
And, honestly, becoming a registered nurse is no small achievement. That’s why proud dad Mark Rosen had the best reaction when he found out his daughter had just passed the licensing exam.

26-year-old Shannon Rosen is now a licensed nurse, but this is not the first time she’s graduated. In fact, she already has a bachelor’s degree in family and child sciences.
After she graduated for the first time, she felt confused and unsure about what her future would look like if she tried to build a career in the field she had chosen to study initially.
So, she took a year to work and save money, while thinking carefully about where she could see herself in the years to come.
And, a while later, she knew. She wanted to be a nurse. So, she enrolled in the nursing program at Nova Southeastern University, and she began her studies.
A few months ago, she took the board exam in order to become a registered nurse.
In December 2021, the results were out, and Shannon sat in front of her laptop, ready to see if she had passed or not.
But she was not alone in that. Right behind her, literally, was her dad, Mark.
Her dad also had the idea to take a video of the moment she found out the result, so that she could cherish the moment in the years to come.
Mark was convinced that his daughter had passed, but he kept repeating to her that he would still love her whatever happened.
“I told her prior to that, regardless of the outcome, what you’re going to find out, ‘I’m still going to love you just as I do from the minute you were born,’” he told Good Morning America.
“I was kind of preparing her for if she didn’t pass, but in my heart. I really knew she did it,” he said.

From the beginning of the video, Shannon was getting emotional. As she later admitted, she was convinced she had failed. But her dad believed in her more than she did.
When the woman clicks on the results and finds out she has passed, she breaks down in tears. Her dad, too, can’t hold back his.

Mark hugs her so tight, and Shannon can’t stop crying while she hides her face in her hands.
The sweet video was uploaded on TikTok by Shannon, and it went viral right away.
People kept commenting on the dad’s cute reaction, while they also wished the nurse the best.

Watch the heartwarming video below.
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@shannonivyy My dad is so proud 😩 IM OFFICIALLY A REGISTERED NURSE!!!! #registerednurse #nurse #rn #dad ♬ original sound – shannon ivy