Baily Bieniek-Phelps is the mother of four lovely children. Anybody could tell that this momma already knew the drill. She had given birth to four babies and was about to give birth to her fifth.
She and her husband, Tim, were expecting to deliver their second daughter in March, and they were well-prepared for the next weeks to come. However, nothing prepared them for the actual birth of their little princess, who happens to be a bit impatient and could not even wait to get to the hospital where she was supposed to be delivered.
That afternoon on March 20, Baily suddenly felt her water break.
Based on her experience, this is a sign that the baby is going to be born in the next few hours, just as what happened when she delivered her four other kids. She immediately called her husband, Tim, and they went to the car to drive to the hospital where Baily expected to give birth.
Baily told KARE 11: “Knowing that with my other children once my water broke, it was pretty quick after that–not quite as quick as she came — but we hopped in the car and started heading toward St. Paul.”

The couple was not even near the hospital when she told Tim to pull over and told him that the baby was already coming.
Baily relived the moment they knew that it was time to deliver the baby in her interview with the news outlet:
“We pulled over, and he flew out of the car to help me, and realized that her whole head was out. We decided, alright this is happening, you’re right, he told me to take a deep breath and push and we did and she was out.”

At 11:40 p.m. on March 20, on the side of the road at Interstate 94 near Radio Drive in Woodbury, little Ariel Olive Marie Bieniek-Phelps was born.
The six-pound little bundle of joy was born in the family’s SUV, delivered with the help of her own Dad. Once the baby was born, Tim promptly dialed 911 and proceeded with handling the infant’s umbilical cord. The dispatcher guided Tim on his first mission as a father to Ariel.

A shoelace helped save the day.
Tim had to tie his daughter’s cord, but he could not find anything in the car that would do the job. That was when he caught sight of his Chuck Taylors and decided to pull the shoelaces. Using the shoelace, Tim managed to tie little Ariel’s umbilical cord as they waited for the emergency response team to arrive.

Baily and Ariel were given immediate care and taken to the hospital once the paramedics arrived. The way little Ariel came into this world is definitely a moment that her parents will never forget.

Baily even already has plans on what to do every year, on Ariel’s birthday!
“We talked about how on her birthday every year we’ll take her over there to take a picture just because we think it will be kind of fun to document that as she gets older,” the now Mom-of-five shared with KARE 11. “Like this is where you were born! It’s not very often that parents can take their child to where they were born…bring them to the hospital but that’s as far as you can go with it.”

Watch the video below to see the couple’s interview with Inside Edition!
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