You can ask any parent and they’ll tell you that along with the joy comes some frustrating moments. Moms and dads are responsible for loving their kids, playing with them, and providing what they need. But kids are manipulative by nature, which means sometimes, they push buttons.
Hey, it’s tough raising kids. Even those living in two-parent households will do their best to get what they want. So, when children understand that it takes money to buy things, that’s the perfect time to teach them about responsibility.
Want, want, want
If you’re a parent, you’ve heard the words “I want” far too often. In response, a lot of moms and dads tell their kids, “I’m not a bank” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Does that sound familiar?

One mom’s story
That’s how things went in Shaketha Marion McGregor’s house. Although she’s a great mom with wonderful children, she got fed up with them constantly asking for money. If it wasn’t to buy a new cell phone, which isn’t cheap, go to the movies, or to get an allowance, it was something else.

Putting her foot down
Well, Shaketha’s kids had asked for allowance one too many times. Tired of the repeated requests for money, she knew she had to do something. And she did.

A brilliant idea
Not only was this mom’s idea brilliant but also supported by child-rearing experts from around the globe. You see, parenting is also about teaching children to be responsible. After all, it’s the mom and dad’s job to prepare them for life as an adult.

They can earn it
Shaketha decided to make a list of “jobs” that her kids could do. She was mindful of their ages so she made the tasks accordingly. Unbeknownst to them, she put her plan into motion while they were at school.

What a surprise
When they came home, she had a huge surprise for them. Shaketha didn’t just create lists of jobs but she turned the whole thing into a hiring event. She then sat them down to explain that if they wanted money, they could earn it … but first, they had to fill out a job application and go through the interview process.

It gets even more creative
Working for money was one thing but this mom wanted her kids to have the entire experience. So, she even created a credit union inside the home. That way, her kids could work and manage their money at the same time.

An incredible outpouring of support
With everything in place, Shaketha shared what she did on her Facebook page. Quickly, other parents chimed in to give her full support. Her idea was so well received that a lot of other moms and dads wanted to incorporate the same thing in their homes.

Frequent updates
As interest in her project grew, Shaketha came up with yet another idea. For this, she’d provide people with updates via her Facebook page. Not only did this serve as inspiration to other parents but it also opened a forum for making improvements or gathering additional ideas.

Important jobs
Keep in mind that these posted jobs weren’t things like “sweep the floor” or “water the plants.” No, they were actual jobs in the real world, including Kitchen Manager, Lead Housekeeper, and Laundry Supervisor. Within each category was a list of specific items they were responsible for.

Now, Shaketha has some much-needed help around the house but also three kids who are learning and preparing to become adults. By the time they enter the real job market, they’ll be ready … thanks to this amazing mom.
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Source: Huff Post, Shaketha McGregor, Happily Family