When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through many changes. In the beginning, exhaustion and nausea are the most noticeable, but it all gets worse from there. As the baby grows, a woman’s back becomes sore and her breasts become heavy. Towards the end of pregnancy, most soon-to-be mothers can be identified by their humorous penguin walk.

Yes, you know the one— also referred to as the “waddle”. It’s often joked about, but it’s hard to deny that a big, round belly can throw off your center of mass and balance. The resulting image is a lumbering woman with a hand on her back for support and a big, round belly leading the way.
Teri O’Neil, a mother of two from Roseville, Minnesota, understands the struggles of the pregnancy waddle.

In fact, back in 2015, she was experiencing it once again. Teri was expecting her second child, a son who would be named Liam. But, while she was growing her happy bundle, she was also responsible for taking care of her first child, a hilarious toddler named Olivia.

As Teri’s belly grew increasingly rounder, she noticed she was once again experiencing the waddle. As she walked, she could feel herself lumbering from side to side, and she was sure she looked humorous to everyone around. At one point, Teri decided to get an outside opinion— and any parent can tell you children are known for their brutal honesty.
Pulling out a camera and recording the scene, Teri asked her 15-month-old daughter a simple question: “How does Mama walk?” — and what followed is a hilarious impression that’s been viewed more than 4 million times.

In the video, you hear Teri ask Olivia the question. Immediately, the cheeky toddler emerges from the side of the screen, with an impression that’s had the internet roaring.
Olivia walks around the room with her stomach puffed out and chin tucked in, perfectly imitating her mother’s pregnancy waddle.

Her face wears a hilarious expression as she hams it up for the camera. Her honesty is hilarious— and her moves are pretty on-point! She even holds her hand gently above an invisible belly as she ambles across the room.
As you can imagine, Teri is amused by the impression, and you can hear her giggling behind the camera.
At one point, Olivia’s dad even joins in, and the two perform the waddle together.

Olivia clearly has a sense of humor and knows how to make people laugh. I can imagine her becoming a future comedian or perhaps an actress on the big screen. Whatever the case may be, she is definitely hilarious.
After being uploaded to YouTube, Olivia’s impression quickly went viral.
People love the little girl’s sense of humor. Comments on the video read:
“She is just adorable :) …very smart and observant”
“Hahaha how precious”
“Still one of my all-time feel-good videos! Still priceless!”
“Lmao!!! This is too cute!!!”

Watch Olivia’s hilarious impression below!
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