The new year definitely started off in a wild way for the couple Carl Alewine and Tiffani Von Glahn. Not only did they welcome a baby on New Year’s Day, they did so in spectacular fashion.
Shortly after Carl was rushing Tiffani to the hospital because she was going into labor, twenty police cars chased them on the highway.
While Carl was being arrested, Tiffany delivered the baby on the hood of the car.

Carl was at his work when his fiancée called him to say that her contractions were getting noticeably stronger. There was no doubt about it: Tiffany was going into labor. Immediately, Carl picked her up to drive to the Medical University of South Carolina, which was more than an hour away from their home.
Unfortunately, the pregnancy was rather high-risk. The medical university specializes in high-risk pregnancies and a C-section was required because Tiffany has a small frame and a tilted cervix. The position of the baby could also lead to complications.

“Right when I get on the on the ramp of the interstate, I hear a loud splash and hear her scream that her water broke, and my foot just hit the gas,” the 27-year-old father told to People. “That’s what really made me go—I was very nervous. I was on the phone with the hospital with her screaming in the background, and I was hauling ass!”
The man drove 95 miles per hour down the interstate and quickly managed to grab the attention of the police.
He did dial 911 to alert the authorities of his emergency, but a high-speed chase occurred 30 minutes later anyway.
“I looked at Tiffani, I looked at the cops, and she’s screaming,” he recalls. “She says, ‘Babe, please don’t stop!’ So, what are you going to do, you know? I’m thinking, ‘I’m going to go to jail tonight.’”

He couldn’t get in touch with highway patrol and the man wasn’t sure if he needed to pull over, thinking one of the first police cars he saw was an escort. When Carl spotted more than 20 police cars following him, he knew that they were involved in a dangerous and immense chase. The entire interstate was shut down and blocking points were set up.
“The hospital told me I could pull over and wait for an ambulance, but I knew if we waited, Tiffani could get hurt, or the baby could get hurt,” he says. “Pulling over just wasn’t an option, I would have taken going to jail.”

Another fifteen minutes passed and the police officers were able to surround Carl’s vehicle. The chase stopped and Carl stepped out of the car at gunpoint. He was quickly arrested and officers immediately spotted Tiffany going into labor as well.

Luckily, someone was present who was able to help with the delivery.
Carl was uncuffed and the baby was born naturally in the middle of the interstate.
“I’m watching it the whole time, I’m on the hood of the car, in handcuffs, watching my child be born, it’s New Year’s and the fireworks displays are going on all around us, blue lights flashing and I’m crying tears of joy,” Carl remembers. “I wasn’t even thinking about being arrested.”
“Man… go see your little girl,” one of the police officers said before uncuffing him. “I’ve never seen or felt something so human and compassionate in my life,” Carl posted.

The little baby girl was named Anastasia and weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces at the time of birth. She was born three weeks too early and has to stay at the Medical University for a little while, but the three are doing well.
What an incredible story and a way to kick off a new year!

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