If you have small children, then you know all too well what a temper tantrum looks like. Although frustrating, it comes with the territory of raising kids. And typically, they have meltdowns at the worst time and place possible.
Well, you’re not alone. One mom faced this same situation with her four-year-old son. But in her case, something extraordinary happened.
Why do kids throw fits?
You might not be a mom or dad yet or perhaps you are but want to know more about why kids have temper tantrums. Well, experts say this occurs for a variety of reasons. For the most part, this is how small children let parents know they’re uncomfortable, hungry, or tired rather than being mad, although that’s another possibility.

Loving siblings
Often, brothers are competitive. You know, it’s called sibling rivalry. But in one family, two boys have a unique bond.

The day started okay
On one particular day, everything started just fine. Then, things began to change. The four-year-old boy became upset about something and was on the verge of a complete meltdown.

Big brother to the rescue
That’s when something amazing took place. Since it was so unusual and sweet, the mom grabbed her cell phone to capture it on video. And it’s a good thing she did because now other people can celebrate the older brother’s actions.

Talking calmly
On the verge of tears, this mom’s six-year-old boy started to talk calmly to his little brother. With patience you’d never expect to see from such a young man, he was determined to prevent a meltdown. So, he continued to speak to him with kindness.

Oh, the body language
That was cute enough. But it got even better. Throughout the brief time of comforting his brother, the six-year-old used his hands to further emphasize that he needed to calm down.

The whimpering became less intense
At first, the four-year-old was relatively loud. But as his big brother consoled him, the whimpers became quieter. Before long, things were down to a subtle sniffle.

Breathe in … breathe out
Where on earth did such a young boy learn his amazing skills. At this point in the video, you can see him slowly lift and lower his arms as he tries to get his little brother to breathe in and then breathe out. And you know what … it worked magically.

The best part
Although the video doesn’t last very long, every second of it is super sweet. However, it’s at the very end when you say “ah.” That’s when the six-year-old tells his four-year-old brother that everything’s okay, followed by giving him a loving pat on the shoulder.

Within just a couple of minutes, the boy succeeded in his effort to prevent a temper tantrum. The little guy was finally breathing normally and his entire demeanor changed. That’s one lucky four-year-old.

Thicker than thieves …
… in all the right ways. If these two are this close at such young ages, we can only imagine how strong their bond will grow. Hopefully, they’ll remain best friends forever. It’s not every family that has a mentor in it like this one.
You can watch the video for yourself by clicking on it below. Maybe you can show it to your kids to teach them how siblings should behave. Regardless, it’ll put a smile on your face.
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Source: Twitter, Kids Health, YouTube