Babies are adorable. Everyone knows this.
When you see a baby, you can’t help but gush over them and kiss those tiny hands and feet. They even smell nice, and they’re so warm – no wonder why we can’t get enough of them.
However, some babies can look like they’re retired, grumpy, and old, especially newborns! Don’t worry, though.
These babies might have wrinkles and high hairlines, but they’re still perfectly healthy and cute. It’s just that temporary phase when babies look like their grandparents before they turn all chunky.
Most babies actually look like old people, and science can explain that. However, we’re not here for the boring stuff. We’re here to show you 54 adorable babies who look like old people.
1)What’s on his mind?
Okay, first of all – he’s adorable! Look at that cutie. He looks like a terrified man worrying about his taxes, but it’s all up to you. What do you think is he worried about?
2)Put me back or else
It seems like this baby wasn’t ready to be born yet. Look at him looking like an old man who’s been woken up from his nap. Grumpy!
3)Uncle? Is that you?
This baby looks like some person’s uncle that visits for the holiday! Look how he points at his nephews and nieces, asking them awkward questions, and then asks for beer and barbecue.
4)Cool photo
This baby is only 5 months old and yet he can strike a pose like a pro. Look at him looking all good and cool. Definitely, this is the way to go if you want your photo taken for a campaign poster.
5)Danny Devito look a like
This baby really does look like Danny Devito, don’t you agree? Is it because of the hair? Maybe his eyes or the overall expression? He’s still cute though!
6)Grandpa’s selfie
According to the original post, this baby looks like he’s a grandfather getting his first phone and taking his first-ever selfie. We have to agree on this. Totally hilarious!
Grandpa got his first smartphone and took a selfie for his Facebook.
byu/PotentialCulture5332 inoldbabies
7)Gone broke, now what?
This baby looked like he just lost his wife, his job, and is now broke. Talk about wanting to fix your life and you don’t know where to start.
8)Gordon, is that you?
The resemblance is uncanny! Look at this little guy looking exactly like the famous Gordon Ramsay! We also love the caption of the Tweet!
9)An 80-year old infant
Is he a baby or an 80-year old grandpa who’s having a photo shoot for his retirement? It seems like it’s the latter but what do you think?
10)What are you looking at?
This baby doesn’t need to know how to speak to express what she’s feeling. Her message is very clear and she’s not happy at all! Look at this little cutie patootie!
11)What a grumpy baby
This collage is hilarious! Look at this baby girl all grumpy. She’s consistent that even when she’s breastfeeding, she’s still angry.
12)Golden anniversary
Having twins is twice as fun! However, this set of twins look like they’re about to celebrate their golden anniversary! They’re so adorable with their pose too!
13)Tired of everything
When you’re a newborn and already tired of everything. Yep, her reaction perfectly sums up what she’s feeling. Can we really blame her?
14)Tiny and wrinkly
This newborn is just too precious! He may be all wrinkly but he’s definitely a charmer. Look at those big round eyes.
15)Baby’s real age
This baby is just a week old, but by looking at him, it’s safe to say that he’s already 80 years old and loves to stay in his recliner until he falls asleep.
16)Are you sure you’re a baby?
One of our top favorites so far! Look at his face! This darling looks like a grumpy grandpa who hates loud noises! Are you sure you’re a baby?
17)Her exact copy
This baby girl and her great-great-grandmother look alike and we mean it. Just take a look at this photo! Their resemblance is shocking. From their looks to their facial expression! Some even said that she might be her reincarnation. What do you think?
18)An old man
His size is of a baby but his looks, well, that’s a different topic. This baby looks like an old man! In fact, he’s the one who posted it and said that he was one of those “old man babies.”
19)All that hair and stress
Being born in 2020 and 2021 is just the easy part. This baby both look tired and stressed out. Stop listening to the news kiddo – you don’t have to worry about that yet.
20)I was born with it
This little baby is not in the mood for her photo-shoot. She is not happy with what’s going on. According to the post, the baby’s mom and dad shared that she was born with the same expression. We still think she’s a bundle of joy – or not.
21)Grumpy old baby man
This baby looks like he’s an old grumpy grandpa who hates looking at noisy kids playing on his front lawn. Anytime now, he’s going to yell at them and tell them to get lost.
22) I don’t want to do this!
This baby looks like an old man who’s being forced to take his vitamins. He doesn’t like it and he clearly doesn’t want to do this! However, he’s not an old man but a sweet, oh wait, better yet, a grumpy baby.
23)Hi, Grandpa!
No words are needed here. He looks like the real deal, like a real sweet old man who’s enjoying his time relaxing in his rocking chair and greets his grandchildren as they open the door.
24)Sweet grandma
Look at her. Doesn’t she remind you of your sweet grandma who’s waiting for you to tell her about your day? Oh, and how she spent the day baking extra chunky chocolate chip cookies just for you.
25)Little Wallace Shawn
This baby looks like that guy from Princess Bride and there’s no denying it. Look at that adorable smile of his! Isn’t he a charmer?
26)Little Mr. Neeson
Does he look a little familiar? Well, he looks like Liam Neeson, right? We’re getting this older man actor vibe out of him. Definitely a handsome baby!
27)After a long day’s work
This baby looks like he’s ready to have a drink at the local pub. After a long hard day’s work, isn’t it nice to have a relaxing drink?
28)A baby or an old man?
Aww, look at him! He looks like he’s about to scold you for something that you did last night. Good thing he can’t talk yet.
29)Forty and grumpy
This baby looks like he’s forty years old and doesn’t like what he’s eating. Come to think of it, maybe the baby food doesn’t taste nice!
30)Mini grampy
Little Ben didn’t seem happy when his mom told him that he looked like his grampy. Well, little one, you should start looking in the mirror to see it!
31)Which is which?
Is this a photo of an aunt and her nephew or a grandpa and her granddaughter?
32)One month going 80
This little old man right here looks like he’s enjoying his retirement on a beach. We bet he’ll charm his way to many ladies.
33)Baby’s hairline
This baby looks like a grandpa because of his hairline. He even looks very wise for his age, right?
He’s definitely adorable and handsome!
34)A lot of stories to tell
This baby looks like a typical grandfather who waits every weekend for his kids and grand-kids. He’s there asking you to come near as he tells you how life was when he was young. Care to sing some songs from The Platters?
35)Baby old man
This is Baby Oldman, and he loves to spend his days in his sturdy rocking chair. He also loves watching football especially when he doesn’t fall asleep mid-game.
36)Here’s my offer
He’s only 15 months but he looks wise beyond his years. In fact, he looks like someone giving you an offer that you can’t refuse. A bottle of milk, perhaps?
37)Good old times
This baby looks like he’s a happy old grandpa who’s having a few drinks and talking about the old times. He’s adorable, of course!
38)Can you guess?
In the original post, everyone was being asked if this is a photo of a newborn or a 75-year-old grandfather. What’s your guess?
39)Benjamin Button
The person who posted this said that she thinks her son is Benjamin Button. Well, she has a point! Look at those wrinkles and that sweater! Definitely a grandpa look!
40)A very tired old man
This baby looks like he’s been working hard more than 40 hours a week for decades that he no longer remembers how to smile. Still adorable, though!
41)The judgy baby
He may be young, but he sure knows how to judge. Just look at how he looks to his mom and those eyebrows! Seems like he’s not convinced with something.
42)The real boss baby
43)Filing a complaint
This little cutie looks like he’s about to file a complaint!
The original post was asking to put in the best caption for this adorable and funny photo. Let’s see if anyone here can do that. Game?
44)Local office candidate
This baby looks like he’s on his way to a campaign meeting because he’s running for local office. Do you think he’ll win especially with his charm and cuteness?
45)Full head of hair
This baby is just two months old and boy does he have lots of hair! Look at that, it even looks like he’s wearing a very nice and expensive wig. Can’t wait for him to grow his beard.
46)Wallace Shawn again?
Okay, so there’s another baby that looks like Wallace Shawn – again! Seriously, does he even know that he has lots of baby look-a-like? I guess Wallace looks like a baby.
47)Little old grandpa
He kinda looks like Wallace Shawn too but overall, he has this sweet old grandpa vibes going on. Kidding aside, this sweetheart is adorable.
48)Got punk?
This adorable newborn feels like he’s being judged, and you’re not wrong kid. Well, they do have a point, you know. With that hair and looks, boy we sense some punk rock going on.
49)We all have that aunt
This baby is just three weeks old yet she is so familiar, right? She looks like that aunt that we all have. The one who’s always there when there’s a reunion and who always gives you a look as if she’s judging your life choices.
50)Busy grandma
This baby looks like she’s a very busy grandmother who loves tending to her garden, baking cookies for her grandchildren, and of course, having her afternoon nap.
51)The favorite aunt
This little girl looks like she’s seen things and will give you words of advice anytime you need them. She’d also want you to visit her now and then so she could cook some chili.
52)The travel-sized Soprano
Who doesn’t want to hold and play with a chunky baby? This one is extra chunky that he already looks like a pocket-sized Soprano according to the original post.

53)Is that all you got?
This baby ain’t happy with his mommy’s bedtime story. It seems like he has heard this story many times already. Look at him looking all grumpy and perfecting that pout.
54)Year 2020 babies
These babies were born last year, the year 2020, or aka pandemic babies. They don’t look amused at all. In fact, they seem to know what’s going on and are giving mom and dad the “look.” Do you also have a pandemic baby?
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